blue flowers

Using Hydrogen Peroxide As A Soil Amendment In The Garden

Low Oxygen From Over Watering

Low oxygen in the soil can develop in water-logged soils, do to heavy rainfall, improper irrigation techniques or over watering. We hear the term “killing your plants with kindness”.

For example, when rain guns are used on unstable soils, sand, silt or limestone, soils run together creating a seal that is impervious to oxygen and carbon dioxide. Typically, soils that are low in organic matter are more difficult to aerate naturally.

Plant roots must have adequate oxygen levels  to facilitate plant respiration drawing nutrient, minerals as well as liquid water up into the plant.  Plants use oxygen and water in a number of ways.  Oxygen’s affinity for electrons plays a key role in the process.

On the other hand, crops growing at high temperatures or under a lot of sunshine have very high oxygen demand at the roots. Under these conditions, the lack of enough oxygen reduces root growth resulting in stunted growth, poor yields, lack of seed germination, etc.

Benefits Of Using 34% H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide As Soil Amendment

34% H2O2 can be used for soil amendment in agricultural, horticultural and forestry applications. 3-4 ml 34% H2O2 per 1 gallon of water  before adding nutrients when refilling reservoirs or during watering. High O2 concentrations supports aerobic beneficial microbes in soil,  balancing PH and defending against root rot.

Increased oxygen to the root zone has shown to increase the speed of plant growth, size of the root ball, number and size of flowers, and nutrient uptake.

Using 34% H2O2 to generate oxygen and the corresponding hydroxide can have the following advantages and modify the soil’s biological activity as follows:

  • Increase total soil microbial population.
  • Enhance enzyme diversity.
  • Speed aerobic and biological activities at high moisture conditions.
  • Support healthy roots by enhancing symbiotic fungi growth.
  • Maintain and protect healthy plant roots.
  • Improve the hydraulic conductivity of the soil allowing more efficient movement of oxygen and nutrients. This effect is especially useful in heavy soils.

Give plants the ability to absorb more water and nutrients and use them more efficiently. 34% H2O2

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