Chlorine Alternative
With the growing concern over chlorine and bromine disinfection by-products and links to cancer we invite you to ask the question.
Isn’t it time to switch?
We understand you have been using chlorine for years, you grew up swimming in chlorine and nothing “bad” has happened right? Well maybe not so fast
35% Spa Science Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide.
Suggested Use: Some pools can be maintained at 35ppm and some need more. Use 4 oz 35% Spa Science per 100 gallons of hot tub/pool water added every 3-4 days. 4 oz to 100 gallons results in a 109ppm. For a pool using 1 oz per 100 gallons results in a 27ppm.
Due to variations in factors such as source water and pool/spa use, you may want to start with the above recommendation and then make slight adjustments, if needed.
Hot tubs require higher levels due to heat and a smaller body of water contacting the human body.
It can be helpful to have test strips handy when first using peroxide to help ensure adequate levels of 100 ppm of hydrogen peroxide are maintained in your spa or pool water. Once you have your water maintenance routine down, you may decide the test strips aren’t necessary to use every time.
How Much Do We Use?
A level of 100 ppm will typically be achieved by adding 4 oz of 35% Spa Science for every 100 gallons of water in your spa or pool. So for a common 400 gallon spa, adding 16 oz of 35% Spa Science to the spa water will obtain a 100 ppm hydrogen peroxide concentration level. It is ok and safe to exceed 100 ppm if desired.
Super happy we switched from chlorine to Hydrogen Peroxide. The spa is beautiful, smells great and our skin feels amazing. The hot tub is pretty much maintenance free. I highly recommend this product.
We will never go back to other forms of hot tub cleaning.
We installed a stainless steel hot tub theee year’s ago that uses UV light and hydrogen peroxide to disinfect the water. What a remarkable improvement over chlorine and bromine, and the water is pristine. Think about it, soaking in hot water loaded with chlorine?! Never liked it; always felt bad after getting out of the hot tub. Not only does hydrogen peroxide eliminate that after effect, it’s actually therapeutic, just like your mom may have prescribed when you felt a cold coming on – hot bath with h2o2. Now I feel great after the hot tub.
Try it, you’ll not go back to chlorine.