Chlorine Alternative For Your Hot Tub

A chlorine alternative or bromine alternative makes sense for a healthier life. Research has begun to show adverse health risk linked to the use of chlorine as  a water sanitizer. Inhibiting the endocrine system is especially harmful for women.

The chlorine molecule mimics a  key hormone with receptors in the thyroid gland causing an over or under releasing of hormones.  Over produced hormones combined with under produced hormones in this area research has drawn strong relationship to certain types of cancers.

The endocrine systems is made up of all of the bodies hormones. These tiny “chemical messengers” get released into the blood stream and act on other organs through-out the body. 

The endocrine system regulates many processes including reproductive, temperature, mood, metabolism and blood sugar levels.  Just because we’ve used chlorine as a hot tub chemical in the past doesn’t mean we should continue.

Chlorine Alternative

35% Spa Science Hydrogen Peroxide can be used as not only an alternative to chlorine or bromine but as the primary choice for hot tubs and spas! Hydrogen Peroxide has been known and accepted as a sanitizer for many years.

35% Spa Science Hydrogen Peroxide is 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide intended to be used as a water additive in maintaining hot tub water for cleaning purposes..

Soaking in clean oxygen rich water, that 35% Spa Science can offer, is a great way to enjoy your spa.  When diluted properly 35% Spa Science is a non-toxic hot tub chemical and at low concentrations is actually formed naturally in nature and our bodies.  Hydrogen Peroxide is the bodies first defense in fighting off disease.

Although this product is not intended to be used typically to cure, diagnose treat or prevent disease it may indirectly achieve the aforementioned by eliminating the use of chlorine and bromine!


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