Help Your Outdoor Roots Breathe

Applying H2O2 To Outside Gardens

It doesn’t matter where you live or what type of plant you grow, if you are growing plants they need oxygen. Plants primarily uptake oxygen through the root system, and additionally require a good fresh supply of oxygen during the night.

Winter rains, especially in the northern half of the country, tend to compact the soil which may leave your roots starving for a breath of fresh air come springtime. Use our 34% H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide to immediately increase the available oxygen as well as loosening up the soil and allowing good airflow to the roots.

Increase The Oxygen Potential In Your Soil

Grab a 5 gallon bucket and fill it up with water. Now tap water is fine for this application only because we are not going to be sealing it up. Measure up 10 oz. 34% H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide and pour it into the bucket with the water. Simply pour this solution in the soil of your outdoor garden areas and flower beds, targeting the root zones especially. Using a watering can to help disperse the solution evenly, allowing maximum coverage. At this mild concentration beneficial microbes will thrive.

When adding to hydroponic reservoirs or bare root plants a 3-4 ml per gallon is used because the roots are exposed with no buffer. Normal soil gardens can handle a slightly higher concentration as the hydrogen peroxide will be reduce immediately on contact of the soil. Use caution if you are growing sensitive ornamentals or the likes.  A little goes a long way and using less will still have a positive effect on the oxygen levels around the root zones.

Using Hydrogen Peroxide As A Soil Amendment In The Garden

blue flowers

Low Oxygen From Over Watering

Low oxygen in the soil can develop in water-logged soils, do to heavy rainfall, improper irrigation techniques or over watering. We hear the term “killing your plants with kindness”.

For example, when rain guns are used on unstable soils, sand, silt or limestone, soils run together creating a seal that is impervious to oxygen and carbon dioxide. Typically, soils that are low in organic matter are more difficult to aerate naturally.

Plant roots must have adequate oxygen levels  to facilitate plant respiration drawing nutrient, minerals as well as liquid water up into the plant.  Plants use oxygen and water in a number of ways.  Oxygen’s affinity for electrons plays a key role in the process. Continue reading “Using Hydrogen Peroxide As A Soil Amendment In The Garden”

Hydrogen Peroxide Material Compatibility

35% Hydrogen Peroxide undiluted is an oxidizer and corrosive. Most hot tubs use newer material for seals and gaskets which are compatible with hydrogen peroxide. Although the concentration level is very low after adding 35% Hydrogen Peroxide to a hot tub knowing what materials are best is always good.

Natural rubber is not compatible with hydrogen peroxide. The rubber will break down fairly quickly and the reason “eye droppers”  should not be used to dispense 35% Hydrogen Peroxide.

For Hydrogen Peroxide 30% +.  A “C” rating may work for some industrial application however we do not recommend using materials with a “C” or “D” as to avoid possible unwanted chemical residue from material degradation.

ABS plasticN/A
Acetal (Delrin®)D – Poor
AluminumA – Excellent
BronzeB – Good
Buna N (Nitrile)D – Poor
Carbon graphiteC -Not Rec.
Carbon SteelD – Poor
Carpenter 20B – Good
Cast ironB – Good
Ceramic Al203N/A
Ceramic magnetA – Excellent
ChemRaz (FFKM)B – Good
CopperD – Poor
CPVCA – Excellent
EPDMB – Good
EpoxyB – Good
Fluorocarbon (FKM)A – Excellent
Hastelloy-C®A – Excellent
HDPEA -Excellent
Hypalon®D – Poor
KalrezA – Excellent
Kel-F®B – Good
LDPEC – Not Rec.
Natural rubberD – Poor
NeopreneD – Poor
NORYL®A – Excellent
NylonD – Poor
PolycarbonateA – Excellent
Polyetherether Ketone (PEEK)A – Excellent
PolypropyleneB – Good
PolyurethaneB – Good
PPS (Ryton®)A – Excellent
PTFEA – Excellent
PVCA1 – Excellent
PVDF (Kynar®)A – Excellent
SiliconeB – Good
stainless steel – 304B – Good
stainless steel – 316B – Good
TitaniumB – Good
Tygon®B – Good
Viton®A – Excellent

Ratings – Chemical Effect
A – Excellent
B – Good: Minor Effect, slight corrosion, or discoloration.
C – Moderate Effect, not recommended .
D – Severe Effect: Not recommended for any use.

There are many types of elastomer material the list above are some of the more common.

Hydrogen Peroxide In The Body

Hydrogen Peroxide Found In The Body

Too much of just about anything thing isn’t good. Except possibly Love and Truth.  Excessive hydrogen peroxide can damage the body.

Our body produces catalyses which neutralizes unused hydrogen peroxide produced by the body. Hydrogen peroxide has been detected in freshly voided urine.

Researchers theorize the hydrogen peroxide may help prevent Continue reading “Hydrogen Peroxide In The Body”

Oxygen In The Muscles

cell respiration

How Low Oxygen Contributes To Fatigue

Oxygen is used in so many process in the body.  Every cell in the body contains mitochondria that uses oxygen to convert glucose (sugar) into energy. This process is called cell respiration.

When oxygen  falls below optimal levels such as during exercise or physical exertion normal aerobic cell respiration will switch to a less efficient method of converting glucose to energy called lactic acid fermentation. This is a type of anaerobic cell respiration which does not require oxygen. Continue reading “Oxygen In The Muscles”

Does 35% Hydrogen Peroxide Freeze?

35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Can Freeze

Hydrogen 2o2 35% H2O2 should not freeze in a common home freezer.  If you purchased from someone else and your 35% Hydrogen Peroxide freezes it’s NOT 35% H2O2.

35% Hydrogen Peroxide will freeze at or below a temperature of  -34 C. or -29..2 F.  An average home freezer temperature range is between 32 F and 0 F.

20% Hydrogen Peroxide will freeze at or below -15 C. or 5 F.  5 F. falls in the range of a typical home freezer so if your Hydrogen Peroxide freezes in your freezer its not 35%. Our 35% Hydrogen Peroxide will not freeze in your freezer.

Below is a chart showing hydrogen peroxide freezing and boiling points.

HP freezing point

We are beginning production on a video series demonstrating at what concentration will hydrogen peroxide begin to freeze. We will be using common freezer temperatures.

Using our 35% Hydrogen Peroxide ,  20% Hydrogen Peroxide,  17.5% Hydrogen Peroxide, our 10% Hydrogen Peroxide and a  6%.  Also we will use the concentration I use constantly at home and at work  our wonderful general purpose 3% Hydrogen Peroxide3% Hydrogen Peroxide derived directly from our food grade 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide.

Chlorine Alternative For Your Hot Tub

chlorine alternative

A chlorine alternative or bromine alternative makes sense for a healthier life. Research has begun to show adverse health risk linked to the use of chlorine as  a water sanitizer. Inhibiting the endocrine system is especially harmful for women.

The chlorine molecule mimics a  key hormone with receptors in the thyroid gland causing an over or under releasing of hormones.  Over produced hormones combined with under produced hormones in this area research has drawn strong relationship to certain types of cancers.

The endocrine systems is made up of all of the bodies hormones. These tiny “chemical messengers” get released into the blood stream and act on other organs through-out the body. 

The endocrine system regulates many processes including reproductive, temperature, mood, metabolism and blood sugar levels.  Just because we’ve used chlorine as a hot tub chemical in the past doesn’t mean we should continue.

Chlorine Alternative

35% Spa Science Hydrogen Peroxide can be used as not only an alternative to chlorine or bromine but as the primary choice for hot tubs and spas! Hydrogen Peroxide has been known and accepted as a sanitizer for many years.

35% Spa Science Hydrogen Peroxide is 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide intended to be used as a water additive in maintaining hot tub water for cleaning purposes..

Soaking in clean oxygen rich water, that 35% Spa Science can offer, is a great way to enjoy your spa.  When diluted properly 35% Spa Science is a non-toxic hot tub chemical and at low concentrations is actually formed naturally in nature and our bodies.  Hydrogen Peroxide is the bodies first defense in fighting off disease.

Although this product is not intended to be used typically to cure, diagnose treat or prevent disease it may indirectly achieve the aforementioned by eliminating the use of chlorine and bromine!


Petri Dish On A Stick Your Toothbrush!

3% Hydrogen Peroxide, awesome.  A recent government shutdown scare here in the Pacific Northwest Washington and the looming threat of discontinuing the support for disease outbreak lead me to a study regarding the efficacy of different disinfection agents on toothbrushes.

50 kids age 8-11 were enrolled and their brushes tested over a 28 day period. Common bacteria, virus and fungi found on toothbrushes were Continue reading “Petri Dish On A Stick Your Toothbrush!”