Author name: Hydrogen2o2

Vitamin C And Hydrogen Peroxide vs Cancer

Researchers have found that a highly concentrated vitamin C dose is “selectively” toxic to cancer cells effectively destroying them leaving healthy tissue unharmed. Research shows that cancer cells produce energy primary through an anaerobic process. Anaerobic energy production thrives in a low oxygen environment. Poor cell respiration causes low oxygen levels in the cells. Research

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Hydrogen Peroxide Volume vs Percentage

How to convert hydrogen peroxide by volume into hydrogen peroxide percentage. Hydrogen peroxide concentration can be denoted in many different ways. Two of the most common ways are by percentage and by volume. This can add confusion to an already confusing topic. So the concentration is the amount of hydrogen peroxide in a solution and

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Hydrogen Peroxide Based Nasal Spray Achieves Efficacy In Preventing COVID-19

A lot of negative press discouraging the use of hydrogen peroxide in treating Covid-19 has flooding the news last month. We can understand why,  however negative news does not change the truth. If you have doubts regarding the power of hydrogen peroxides efficacy in supporting human health, here is some information that landing in our

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Hydrogen Peroxide Material Compatibility

35% Hydrogen Peroxide undiluted is an oxidizer and corrosive. Most hot tubs use newer material for seals and gaskets which are compatible with hydrogen peroxide. Although the concentration level is very low after adding 35% Hydrogen Peroxide to a hot tub knowing what materials are best is always good. Natural rubber is not compatible with

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cell respiration

Oxygen In The Muscles

How Low Oxygen Contributes To Fatigue Oxygen is used in so many process in the body.  Every cell in the body contains mitochondria that uses oxygen to convert glucose (sugar) into energy. This process is called cell respiration. When oxygen  falls below optimal levels such as during exercise or physical exertion normal aerobic cell respiration

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