How Human Biology Creates Hydrogen Peroxide

Oxidation Microscope

How human biology creates hydrogen peroxide is fascinating. This article is a general overview to the best of our understanding.

Our products are NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease and this must not be interpreted as medical advise.

Detecting Hydrogen Peroxide In Blood And Plasma

The levels of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in human blood is of great relevance as it has emerged as an important signalling molecule in a variety of disease states. Scientist have been working on reliable ways to measure hydrogen peroxide levels in the blood. Although challenging advancements in a laser-induced fluorescence device has demonstrated rapid measurement of H2O2 in plasma in the concentration range of 0–49 µM, and detection time of 15 min; the device is amenable to the real-time measurement of H2O2 in a patient’s blood. (1)

H2O2 concentration in the blood of healthy individuals is found to be in the range of 0.8–6 µM. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is one of the important ROS which is produced due to the incomplete reduction of oxygen in the metabolism process and most cells in the human body generate H2O2 from superoxide. H2O2 is uncharged and stable in aqueous solution and its uncharged nature helps it to diffuse across the cell membrane, enabling cellular signalling away from the site of production.

illness comes in many forms disease vs a cold or flu, H2O2 has been measured in the urine of patients who are showing signs of a cold as high as 100ppm. We look forward to conducting our research if or when that time comes using our 0-400ppm H2O2 test strips. H2O2 has a longer lifespan than other reactive oxidizing agent which allows a greater diffusion level of up to a few millimeters. H2O2 which is diffused out of a cell triggers cell migration, immunity generation, and cellular communication. 2

Blood cells including red blood cells produce H2O2 from multiple sources but the level of intracellular H2O2 is maintained as 10 nM or less due to the catalase and peroxidases1. The plasma H2O2 is mainly contributed by NOXs (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase) on the surface of phagocytes and endothelial cells and xanthine oxidase bound to endothelial cells with a small contribution from autoxidation of small molecules. 3

Respiratory Burst

The human body uses a biologic process called the respiratory burst to generate hydrogen peroxide in the immune system. The respiratory burst is a rapid increase in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), including hydrogen peroxide, by phagocytic cells such as neutrophils and macrophages.

Triggering Phagocytic Immune Cells

The respiratory burst is triggered by the activation of phagocytic cells by pathogens or other foreign invaders. Once activated, the phagocytic cell engulfs the pathogen in a phagosome. The phagosome then fuses with a lysosome, which releases enzymes that kill the pathogen. The respiratory burst also produces ROS, which help to kill the pathogen and prevent it from escaping from the phagosome.Hover me to open tooltip

The respiratory burst is mediated by a group of enzymes called NADPH oxidases (NOXs). NOXs use NADPH to produce superoxide, which is then converted to hydrogen peroxide by superoxide dismutase (SOD). Hydrogen peroxide can then be used by other enzymes to produce other ROS, such as hydroxyl radicals.

Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful antimicrobial oxidizing agent. It can oxidize bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens by damaging their DNA and proteins. Hydrogen peroxide also plays a role in cell signaling and inflammation.

Here is a simplified summary of the respiratory burst process:

  1. Phagocytic cell is activated by a pathogen or other foreign invader.
  2. Phagocytic cell engulfs the pathogen in a phagosome.
  3. Phagosome fuses with a lysosome, which releases enzymes that kill the pathogen.
  4. NADPH oxidases produce superoxide, which is then converted to hydrogen peroxide by SOD.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide can then be used by other enzymes to produce other ROS.
  6. Hydrogen peroxide and other ROS kill the pathogen and prevent it from escaping from the phagosome.

The respiratory burst is an important part of the human body’s immune system response. It helps to protect us from infection by destroying harmful pathogens.

Vitamin C And Hydrogen Peroxide vs Cancer

Researchers have found that a highly concentrated vitamin C dose is “selectively” toxic to cancer cells effectively destroying them leaving healthy tissue unharmed.

Research shows that cancer cells produce energy primary through an anaerobic process. Anaerobic energy production thrives in a low oxygen environment. Poor cell respiration causes low oxygen levels in the cells. Research has found this is the reason cancer thrives on sugar. Using the sugar as an energy source. Yet when this treatment was coupled with the addition of catalase (an enzyme), the cancer-killing effect was reduced significantly. This led researchers to believe that the high-dose vitamin C infusion resulted in production of large quantities of hydrogen peroxide, which initially caused a cancer-killing effect that was then neutralized by the catalase.

Researchers concluded that cancer cells do not produce sufficient catalase to neutralize high levels of hydrogen peroxide on their own.

We now know that many cancer cells produce small amounts of catalase to sustain low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. This creates the cancer-friendly environment of mild oxidative stress that encourages rapid growth of and further aggression by malignant cells. Fortunately, because a high proportion of cancers are only able to produce small amounts of catalase, they’re vulnerable to the cancer-killing effect exhibited by high levels of hydrogen peroxide.

A high dose and rapid IV infusion of vitamin C reacts spontaneously with molecular oxygen within tumors, generating large amounts of hydrogen peroxide, lethal to tumor cells that produce only small amounts of catalase.

Research has demonstrated that doses of 10 to 20 grams would need to be administered to consistently achieve  a  vitamin-C concentration sufficient to provoke oxidation at level adequate to effect tumor cells beneficially.

A number of published case reports, which show that repeated high-dose IV treatments yield objective tumor regression, are so compelling that NIH clinical trials are formally evaluating intravenous vitamin C therapy. Currently, we continue to look at dosing and treatment intervals as studies suggest that multiple, staged, and intermittent treatments may produce better anti-tumor effects than long high-dose single treatments. This will also protect the kidneys from becoming saturated. At Oasis of Hope we’re utilizing protocols with multiple treatments and pauses between doses to maintain the level of vitamin C within an optimal therapeutic window.

In theory, high-dose vitamin C should not cause toxic damage to healthy tissue because the body produces sufficient amounts of catalase to efficiently neutralize the hydrogen peroxide produced. Our experience supports the theory. We’ve treated hundreds of patients in this manner with no side effects, and our current protocol ensures vitamin-C blood and tissue levels that are safe and effective to kill cancer cells.

Yet a burning question remains. Why doesn’t this therapy work for everyone? Three variables can undermine its effectiveness.

First, some tumors produce larger amounts of catalase, which neutralizes the oxidizing effect of hydrogen peroxide.

Second, sometimes there are insufficient catalysts to promote the necessary transfer of electrons.

Third, sometimes in the extracellular space there is insufficient oxygen, which is needed for vitamin C to produce hydrogen peroxide.

For now, scientists have not found a way to selectively block production of catalase within tumors. However, we can definitively increase this therapy’s effectiveness by providing two supporting agents: electron transfer catalysts and tumor oxygenating agents.

Specific Benefits: Vitamins C and K3

Vitamin C’s ability to generate hydrogen peroxide in tumors hinges on the presence of catalysts that can transfer electrons from the vitamin to oxygen molecules, generating an unstable compound superoxide, which rapidly converts to the hydrogen peroxide that has cancer-killing properties.

One such well-known catalyst is menadione, also known as vitamin K3 . Substantial research in both rodent and human studies demonstrates that supplementing intravenous vitamin C with injectable vitamin K3 increases the therapy’s effectiveness on cancer cells.

A vitamin C/K3 combination can interact synergistically with certain cytotoxic chemo drugs in killing cancer cells. Vitamin K3 alone can increase the cytotoxicity of certain chemo agents, presumably because, in sufficiently high concentrations, K3 help generate oxidative stress by transferring electrons from intracellular molecules to oxygen.

At the Oasis of Hope we inject vitamin K3 just prior to the vitamin C infusions, with the hope and expectation that C/K3 combination will markedly increase the production of hydrogen peroxide within tumors, enabling a more substantial cell kill in those cancers that produce sufficiently small amounts of catalase.

While vitamin K3 is an excellent electron transfer catalyst, the effectiveness of intravenous vitamin C therapy can still be crippled if oxygen levels within the tumor are poor. (Remember: Many common tumors create a hypoxic environment, so it’s necessary to introduce agents that can efficiently oxygenate them.

Hydrogen Peroxide Volume vs Percentage

How to convert hydrogen peroxide by volume into hydrogen peroxide percentage.

Hydrogen peroxide concentration can be denoted in many different ways. Two of the most common ways are by percentage and by volume. This can add confusion to an already confusing topic.

So the concentration is the amount of hydrogen peroxide in a solution and hydrogen peroxide when it decomposes releases oxygen , a single atom of oxygen and the rest is water.

Hydrogen peroxide releases oxygen at a specific rate 3.3 volumes per percentage. So a 1% hydrogen peroxide will release 3.3 volumes of oxygen.

So all we have to do is remember this which is probably the harder part take your volume and divide it by 3.3 to get your hydrogen peroxide concentration.

So in the hair styling industry and Europe they go by volume a lot and so a 10 volume hydrogen peroxide divide that by 3.3 and we get a 3.03% concentration of hydrogen peroxide.

A 20 volume hydrogen peroxide would equal a 6.06% concentration.

A 60 volume hydrogen peroxide would equal a 18.18% concentration hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen Peroxide Based Nasal Spray Achieves Efficacy In Preventing COVID-19


A lot of negative press discouraging the use of hydrogen peroxide in treating Covid-19 has flooding the news last month.

We can understand why,  however negative news does not change the truth. If you have doubts regarding the power of hydrogen peroxides efficacy in supporting human health, here is some information that landing in our mailbox.

A promising hydrogen peroxide anti-viral nasal spray is being developed by big pharma.

Patented Nasal Spray And Mouth Rinse

Combining hydrogen peroxide with hyaluronic acid a Milan head quartered bio-pharmaceutical and B2B company BMG Pharma created BMG0705 Nasal Spray and BMG0703A Mouth Rinse.

Using it’s chemical plant in Torviscosa (Italy) conducted a clinical study with  106 enrolled  in the treatment of asymptomatic COVID-19 patients.

Continue reading “Hydrogen Peroxide Based Nasal Spray Achieves Efficacy In Preventing COVID-19”

Post-Harvest Irrigation Cleaning Using 34% H2O2

Hydrogen Peroxide Is A Great Cleaner

For cleaning out sprinkler lines, drippers and all irrigation components and equipment: we recommend using 34% H2O2 at a ratio of 20 oz H2O2 per 1 gallon of water. Fill up your reservoir at this ratio and pump it though your whole system. Let it sit in system for a few hours or overnight if possible. If time is short, allow diluted H2O2 to sit in system for at least 15 – 20 minutes before flushing out.

Hydrogen Peroxide is well documented as a disinfectant and sanitizer. Oxygen isessential for plant growth and beneficial at lower levels and a great cleaner at higher levels.  34%H2O2 Garden


Hydrogen Peroxide Material Compatibility

35% Hydrogen Peroxide undiluted is an oxidizer and corrosive. Most hot tubs use newer material for seals and gaskets which are compatible with hydrogen peroxide. Although the concentration level is very low after adding 35% Hydrogen Peroxide to a hot tub knowing what materials are best is always good.

Natural rubber is not compatible with hydrogen peroxide. The rubber will break down fairly quickly and the reason “eye droppers”  should not be used to dispense 35% Hydrogen Peroxide.

For Hydrogen Peroxide 30% +.  A “C” rating may work for some industrial application however we do not recommend using materials with a “C” or “D” as to avoid possible unwanted chemical residue from material degradation.

ABS plasticN/A
Acetal (Delrin®)D – Poor
AluminumA – Excellent
BronzeB – Good
Buna N (Nitrile)D – Poor
Carbon graphiteC -Not Rec.
Carbon SteelD – Poor
Carpenter 20B – Good
Cast ironB – Good
Ceramic Al203N/A
Ceramic magnetA – Excellent
ChemRaz (FFKM)B – Good
CopperD – Poor
CPVCA – Excellent
EPDMB – Good
EpoxyB – Good
Fluorocarbon (FKM)A – Excellent
Hastelloy-C®A – Excellent
HDPEA -Excellent
Hypalon®D – Poor
KalrezA – Excellent
Kel-F®B – Good
LDPEC – Not Rec.
Natural rubberD – Poor
NeopreneD – Poor
NORYL®A – Excellent
NylonD – Poor
PolycarbonateA – Excellent
Polyetherether Ketone (PEEK)A – Excellent
PolypropyleneB – Good
PolyurethaneB – Good
PPS (Ryton®)A – Excellent
PTFEA – Excellent
PVCA1 – Excellent
PVDF (Kynar®)A – Excellent
SiliconeB – Good
stainless steel – 304B – Good
stainless steel – 316B – Good
TitaniumB – Good
Tygon®B – Good
Viton®A – Excellent

Ratings – Chemical Effect
A – Excellent
B – Good: Minor Effect, slight corrosion, or discoloration.
C – Moderate Effect, not recommended .
D – Severe Effect: Not recommended for any use.

There are many types of elastomer material the list above are some of the more common.

Oxygen In The Muscles

cell respiration

How Low Oxygen Contributes To Fatigue

Oxygen is used in so many process in the body.  Every cell in the body contains mitochondria that uses oxygen to convert glucose (sugar) into energy. This process is called cell respiration.

When oxygen  falls below optimal levels such as during exercise or physical exertion normal aerobic cell respiration will switch to a less efficient method of converting glucose to energy called lactic acid fermentation. This is a type of anaerobic cell respiration which does not require oxygen. Continue reading “Oxygen In The Muscles”

Chlorine Alternative For Your Hot Tub

chlorine alternative

A chlorine alternative or bromine alternative makes sense for a healthier life. Research has begun to show adverse health risk linked to the use of chlorine as  a water sanitizer. Inhibiting the endocrine system is especially harmful for women.

The chlorine molecule mimics a  key hormone with receptors in the thyroid gland causing an over or under releasing of hormones.  Over produced hormones combined with under produced hormones in this area research has drawn strong relationship to certain types of cancers.

The endocrine systems is made up of all of the bodies hormones. These tiny “chemical messengers” get released into the blood stream and act on other organs through-out the body. 

The endocrine system regulates many processes including reproductive, temperature, mood, metabolism and blood sugar levels.  Just because we’ve used chlorine as a hot tub chemical in the past doesn’t mean we should continue.

Chlorine Alternative

35% Spa Science Hydrogen Peroxide can be used as not only an alternative to chlorine or bromine but as the primary choice for hot tubs and spas! Hydrogen Peroxide has been known and accepted as a sanitizer for many years.

35% Spa Science Hydrogen Peroxide is 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide intended to be used as a water additive in maintaining hot tub water for cleaning purposes..

Soaking in clean oxygen rich water, that 35% Spa Science can offer, is a great way to enjoy your spa.  When diluted properly 35% Spa Science is a non-toxic hot tub chemical and at low concentrations is actually formed naturally in nature and our bodies.  Hydrogen Peroxide is the bodies first defense in fighting off disease.

Although this product is not intended to be used typically to cure, diagnose treat or prevent disease it may indirectly achieve the aforementioned by eliminating the use of chlorine and bromine!


Petri Dish On A Stick Your Toothbrush!

3% Hydrogen Peroxide, awesome.  A recent government shutdown scare here in the Pacific Northwest Washington and the looming threat of discontinuing the support for disease outbreak lead me to a study regarding the efficacy of different disinfection agents on toothbrushes.

50 kids age 8-11 were enrolled and their brushes tested over a 28 day period. Common bacteria, virus and fungi found on toothbrushes were Continue reading “Petri Dish On A Stick Your Toothbrush!”